# my domains i have too many domain names. they cost a lot of $$. they are listed here along with their current use. ### slj.ma this domain is mostly a place for creating shortlinks to things. it's also my pdf website because i think that's cool lol. i really badly wanted a five character domain and i liked how .ma is for massachusetts. ### satch.xyz this was my original domain name for my zola pw, but i came to dislike the xyz tld, so I switched to satchlj.com. now I use satch.xyz for my tiny website, my email, and gemini. ### satchlj.com this is my main personal website, built using zola. ### satyajohnson.com the first domain name i bought, this is my birth name ### benson.place got this domain because it rocks and because i wanted to leave the old cold fusion bp website running. could have used old.bensonplace.org or something but that's way less cool. ### bensonplace.org this is the only domain name on my list i didn't buy. dave gott bought it and it came with the business. it's the main business website, static files generated from wordpress ### yspe.org i love the young shakespeare players east and their domain name is youngshakespeareplayerseast.org which is terribly long. So i bought this, pointed it at my server, and redirected it to the yspe website. ### owlper.ch i wanted a good domain name for my pleroma instance so i thought of this one and bought it. now it's just a microblog ### eph.lol something williams college related ### 12am.pro for my club website ### midnightproductions.org same as above ### jun.ie for my sister ## emails i have lots of email addresses but i don't have email configured on every domain i own. i use bensonplace.org, benson.place, satch.xyz, and blube.club for email. here are all my email domains: bensonplace.org, bensonplace.blue, satch.xyz, clarafae.space, eph.lol, fearghuis.win, jun.ie, blube.club, slj.ma, owlper.ch, tntsek.com. Maybe more secret ones I'm not telling you about. Most of those domains are configured with catchall addresses, so you can send mail to *anything*@domain.tld. Not all of them are my mailboxes though; some I manage for friends, so if you want to send me mail instead of spamming my friends you should use `mail@satch.xyz` to contact me. Tho `x@slj.ma` or similar is fine too :). You could even decide to insult me by sending mail to `asshole@satchlj.com`. # domains i no longer own ### satchlj.us i bought this out of stupidity (i wanted a .us domain) but now i used it for my tiny website which is now at satch.xyz. ### blube.club the the second domain name i ever bought for personal use, this one is for the blueberry season harvest crew. i used it as my irc hostname too. ### bensonplace.blue this was just a static mirror of bensonplace.org before bensonplace.org became static ### heath.town i bought this domain name when I had a stroke of genius and decided to take on a huge project for the town. never had time to finish it but maybe someday. ### kroka.blog this never was anything